Anuncios para boletine sobre Sínodo y Sinodalidad # 13

September 1, 2021

Apertura del próximo sínodo    #13 El próximo Sínodo de… Read More

Anuncios para boletine sobre Sínodo y Sinodalidad # 14

September 1, 2021

El llamado a la sinodalidad mundial   #14 El cardenal… Read More

Anuncios para boletine sobre Sínodo y Sinodalidad # 15

September 1, 2021

  Fases del sínodo octubre de 2021 a octubre… Read More

Bulletin Announcements on Synods and Synodality # 111

September 1, 2021

What is an Apostolic Exhortation?  #11 It is customary that, following each Synod, a… Read More

Bulletin Announcements on Synods and Synodality # 12

September 1, 2021

What does Pope Francis say about the synodal process?  #12 “Consultation of the faithful must be… Read More

Bulletin Announcements on Synods and Synodality # 13

September 1, 2021

Opening of the next synod   #13 The next Synod of Bishops will open locally in… Read More

Bulletin Announcements on Synods and Synodality # 14

September 1, 2021

The call for worldwide synodality  #14 Cardinal Grech, the General Secretary of the Synod of… Read More

Bulletin Announcements on Synods and Synodality # 15

September 1, 2021

Phases of the synod October, 2021- October, 2023   #15 This Synod, as have all three… Read More

Anuncios para boletine sobre Sínodo y Sinodalidad # 12

September 1, 2021

  ¿Qué dice el Papa Francisco sobre el proceso… Read More

¿Qué es una exhortación apostólica? #11

September 1, 2021

¿Qué es una exhortación apostólica?   #11… Read More