Hope During Loss
October 15, 2020 • Diocese of St. Augustine

In order to assist parishes in extending bereavement support, the Diocese has identified materials specifically designed for Catholics and will sponsor training in early 2021 for those to be involved with parish-based bereavement ministry.  “Seasons of Hope” has been selected as a very valuable program which can be readily implemented, if desired, as part of bereavement ministry initiatives.

Volunteers are being sought at this time to fill various roles to include program lead, facilitators, outreach, administrative support, and more.  Those interested in volunteering should complete a form available through their parish office, and return them no later than November 30, 2020 via fax (904-262-0698) or mail to:

Diocese of St Augustine
Office of Family Life
11625 Old St Augustine Road
Jacksonville, FL 32258

Alternatively, the form may be scanned and emailed to pastoralcare@dosafl.com