Mpact- Middle School Day of Service
January 29, 2020 •

The Diocese Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry has a new program called MPact. It is a day of service for junior high school aged teens and adult chaperones. It will be held on
Saturday, March 7th, 9:30am-5pm.The day will begin at St. Matthew Catholic Church with a keynote speaker that will address how important it is to share our time, talent, and treasure with organizations that serve the community. Following the talk, teens will be sent out to do service at an organization that we have partnered with – as part of their service, they will learn about the organization’s mission and impact on the community. We will end the day with a prayer service and sending forth piece. Registration is now open. Cost: $25 (scholarships are available); deadline to register: Feb. 24th. For details call (904) 262-3200, ext. 112 or email Robin Shipley at