“Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends,” an educational seminar created by Dr. Bruce Fisher, is being sponsored by the Office of Family Life this Spring. This 10-week program is very beneficial to the healing process for those adjusting to the end of a love relationship through separation, divorce, abandonment, or even death. Classes will be offered as follows: St. Anastasia Catholic Church, 5205 A1A S., St. Augustine, FL 32080, February 4, 2020 through April 14, 2020 (no class on March 10), 6:30pm-8:30pm. There will be an informational meeting held at St. Anastasia on Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30pm for those interested in learning more about this class. AND Holy Family Parish Life Center, 9800 Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32256, March 12, 2020 through May 21, 2020 (no class on April 9) Note: a minimum of 12 participants are needed to conduct the Jacksonville course. Cost is $60.00. Materials will be provided at the first class. Visit family.dosafl.com/rebuilding/ for more information and to register, or call the Office of Family Life, (904) 262-3200, x289.
Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends