2019 Rosary Congress. The Diocese of St. Augustine will hold its first Rosary Congress Sept 27-Oct 4. The purpose is to surround our efforts for life, our church, and our country in continuous prayer through Adoration and the rosary. See flyer for schedule/ sign up times. The 33rd Annual State Respect Life Conference “In the Heart of Our Mother” will be held in our Diocese on Oct 11-12, 2019. Featured speakers include Bishop William Wack of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Star Parker founder of C.U.R.E., and Vincent Rue PhD post-abortion trauma, There is also a youth track/concert with singer/songwriter Sean Forrest. It begins at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche on 10/11 and continues at St. Anastasia 10/12. Register at www.dosafl.com/respectlifeconference. Call (904) 262-3200, ext. 159.